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Terrain Generator FAQ - NemPosted: May 26th, 2003 - 11:34:58 pm

When I launch Terrain Generator I get the following error message:
"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click ok to terminate the application."


Terrain Generator is written in C# .NET and such as requires the .NET runtimes to run. See the downloads page for more information.


When I launch Terrain Generator I get the following error message:
"A required .DLL file, MSCOREE.DLL, was not found."


Terrain Generator is written in C++ .NET and such as requires the .NET runtimes to run. See the downloads page for more information.


Can I use Terrain Generator in a commercial project?


Terrain Generator is freeware and any content created by it is the sole property of the creator. As such any content created by TG may be distributed for both commercial and non-commercial purposes at the creators will. The only restriction as stated (I hope) in TG's readme is that the software itself my not be redistributed commercially or used to promote the distribution of a commercial product. (i.e. You can package it on a CD and then sell that CD.)


How do I load textures into TG?


From the Tools menu select Options and navigate to the Packages tab. The Add Package button can be used to load Half-Life WAD3 texture packages and the Add Folder can be used to load .bmp, .jpg, .tga and .wal textures from a folder on your hard drive. You must first start a terrain before you can access the tools menu.


How can I move the camera in the 3D view?


To rotate the camera press and hold your right mouse button in the 3D view and move it around. To position the camera use your arrow or WASD keys.

Ask a question...

Modified: Oct 12th, 2003 - 4:32:02 pm[ 71449 Views ]

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61. BluefangPosted: Oct 29th, 2004 - 6:27:03 pm

Hey timmo

I just tryed using it on my computer and I had no issues.

try a couple things:

A) remove your current installation.
B) Download the latest version in ARCHIVE format (no installer)

at the very monimum try deleteing the config folder.

also, try re-extracting the halflife.wad from the GCf files (if you are using Steam). It is possible that it may be corrupt. also try loading a difrent WAD.


Nem Wrote:
TG wasn't really designed to handle the halflife.wad (as it’s a massive 36 megs of tex data). It can load it; it just takes a fair bit of time. The maximum number of WAD files TG can handle is 255.

Loading a folder doesn’t load texture packages, it loads images (.bmp, .jpg, .tga and .wal are currently supported).

You can speed up loading of large .wad files be extracting their textures to a folder. (wad2bmp can handle this quite well).

So I guess that might also be part of the problem. When I tryed loading the halflife.wad, TG hung for about 2 minutes. IT DID NOT CRASH. due to the size of the WAD, TG was just probably bogged down importing it. Try giving it a couple minutes.

if time dosn't work, I suppose a tempory fix would be to use [utl=]Wally[/url] and to copy the textures you want to use and make your own 'halflife.wad'.

I think giving it a couple minutes to process the WAD will work. it will look like the program hangs and it will go non-responcive in the task manager, but give it time.

62. timmoPosted: Oct 30th, 2004 - 1:39:23 am

Hi Bluefang, well you're right. It takes a little while but it does load. You have to have the same wads in WC as you use in TG for a saved terrain to carry over. Many thx. Another question though Nem. Any pointers or thoughts about carving into a terrain to make holes. How does carving effect the division of the quads?
Great programme thx.

63. NemPosted: Oct 30th, 2004 - 9:36:46 am

You mean carving in Hammer? The compile tools already don't like terrain so it can't be too much worse... Usually I try to work within the generated triangular brushes though.

64. GadrielPosted: Mar 8th, 2005 - 12:42:48 am
Hmm, what are the formatting requirements for heightmaps? I suspect they need to be greyscale, as usual, but what other formatting requirements are there?sad

65. NemPosted: Mar 8th, 2005 - 11:42:54 am
There are no format constraints, they don't even have to be greyscale (TG will average the RGB color and use that for the height value). If you can't see anything after generation, try reducing your grid size or scaling the heightmap.

66. pallmanniPosted: Mar 8th, 2005 - 4:14:52 pm
erm... i press the button, "new" and after that the software stops, if i press anything it only comes a beep


67. NemPosted: Mar 8th, 2005 - 5:23:48 pm
Terrain Generator can only handle terrains in the neighbourhood of 512x512 triangles depending on your setup (preferably less than 256x256). Terrain Generator 4 will be able to handle larger terrains when it is released.

68. bluefireModified: Mar 12th, 2005 - 9:41:16 pm
I have all the required software to run the program (except instead of .Net Framework 1.1 I have the new beta) and when I click to create a new map (no matter what size) it just locks up the program. sad

Just as I thought, as soon as I downgraded it worked again.

69. BluefangPosted: Mar 13th, 2005 - 5:28:57 pm
Well it is called a beta for a reason. It probably has a handfull of bugs to say the least.

70. NemPosted: Mar 15th, 2005 - 2:08:54 am
Could be one of two things:

1) v2.0 of the .NET Framework is in beta and most likely has some bugs. This could affect Terrain Generator in unpredictable ways.

2) v2.0 of the framework could do certain things differently (I know v1.0 and v1.1 did) and this "bug" could be a product of that. Though, by the sounds of your description, it seems unlikely.

Can one not have both versions installed at the same time?

71. BluefangPosted: Mar 15th, 2005 - 7:28:50 am
I think you can only have one version installed at a time.

And anyways, I suggust you don't use the beta unless you need it to run another beta Microsoft product because I could almost gaurentee no other product will be using it until is becomes non-beta.

72. amcPosted: Jun 3rd, 2005 - 1:15:11 pm


This looks like a really great tool that almost does what I need, but also demonstrated that what i need is possible. I need to generate a displacement map such as Terrain Generator makes from external data. Right now, my external data is a .bmp file in which grayscale maps to elevation. I couldn't find any Import functionality in Terrain Generator, but I wonder how hard it would be to hack such a thing together. Perhaps the .tgm file format is straightforward enough so that I can put together a script to generate terrain from external data easily.

Can Terrain Generator help me in this regard?

73. NemPosted: Jun 4th, 2005 - 11:23:55 am
You can already "import" heightmaps, it is just done in a different way. What you really want to do is generate a terrain from a heightmap (this gives you more control). First create a new terrain (preferably the same size as your height map, though it doesn't have to be), then select Generate from the Terrain menu. There is a heightmap option in there.

74. amcPosted: Jun 4th, 2005 - 7:41:40 pm
Oh. You are correct sir.

I was able to load up my heightmap, and make a level that Hammer could load. I have some more questions, though.

When I loaded the map up, I noticed that there were many surfaces that seemd to be occupying the exact same points in space, causing Hammer to render them as this wierd undulating flashing pattern. Also, on large maps I get an error telling me that certain parts of the map were removed due to errors in the file. Is this due to Terrain Generator being built for Halflife 1?

Also, I understand the concept behind the scale of the heightmap, but I don't understand the base of the scale. In other words, if I set the scale to 1.0, what height does it render black as? What height does it render white as? Is it 0-100?


75. NemPosted: Jun 8th, 2005 - 9:30:49 pm
You can find a detailed description of how they work here.

76. CannonballPosted: Jul 22nd, 2005 - 3:13:27 pm

where can i get wad3 textures because i dont use TG long and i dont know where i get wad3 textures. Can you help me?

77. spartan131Posted: Jul 24th, 2005 - 4:31:07 pm
Hi I'm having problems with the terrain generator. I'm trying to create a terrain that has a cliff with waterfall. I used the lower/higher tool to lower some parts and make some parts higher. I imported it as a .map file and opened it in a program 3dgs. When it loads in it, I have to delete excess blocks. There are blocks filling up the part i lowered, so I have to delete the blocks indivisually, and i mess up. How do I make it so that it imports withuot all those blocks and it just imports the way i made it? thanks.

78. NemPosted: Jul 29th, 2005 - 9:54:40 am
Disable hints from the options menu.

79. JukkiPosted: Oct 8th, 2005 - 4:34:14 am
I dont know how to make a background image :(

80. JukkiPosted: Oct 8th, 2005 - 4:41:35 am
oh sorry i just figured out how to do it

81. NemPosted: Oct 13th, 2005 - 10:24:10 pm
Your .wad files are in your .gcf files (use GCFScape to extract them).

82. SilencerModified: Oct 19th, 2005 - 1:41:12 pm
have an interesting graphics problem for ya nem!
when i was rendering size 8 triangles at a grid of 2048x2048
it rendered smoothly like rolling mountains..
i generated a couple times and POOF
all the terrain is now either vertical or flat NOT from genin it since when i undo it's still the weird flat style..
i dont know how to fix this and i think it may be embedded since when i reboot and try to make a different one with different sizes it comes up the same way :(

i am using a Geforce 6800 so it may be the card having a hard time but i dont think so

here's the problem found it!
i set my smoothing generation to 3 passes 3 over and 64 thresh
i dont understand what the thresh does exactly can you explain it?
plz help!
ack i took yet another look at it using the mountain valley tool and it shows it ballooning up to form a smooth round mountain and once i let go..
it goes to that weird form... here to show it i'm hosting some screenshots this may be a reinstall issue

83. NemPosted: Oct 19th, 2005 - 5:56:39 pm
TG's default settings are for larger "triangle sizes" (say in the neighbourhood of 256 units), so what you want to do is scale everything down appropriately. For example, if you used a smoothing threshold (which is the distance from the average height of the surrounding terrain that a vertex needs to be before it is smoothed) of 64 for a normal terrain, you would use 2 for your finer terrain. All the tools also have various thresholds which should be set appropriately in the Options menu.

Also, if you are using the grid, you might want to disable it. The grid knocks the terrain to various height intervals and is not necessary for Source terrains or other modeling packages.

Lastly, TG v3 was never intended for such larger terrains (that is an 8 million triangle terrain you have there). v4 will handle such terrains in real time smoothly, but v3 simply can't handle it.

84. SilencerPosted: Oct 20th, 2005 - 12:32:33 am
alright that's what i figured since rendering for other apps on that load could handle that much thx for the info

85. DimitriPosted: Dec 12th, 2005 - 10:54:51 am
Hey Nem, I have a feeling somebody's asked this already but couldn't find it: When i compile in either valve 3.5 or your batch compiler i get the "exceeded max clip_nodes" errorexhausted, the way i figure it i just used too many triangles when i used the terrain gennerator, but i just need a little clarification. Can u help?

86. NemPosted: Dec 12th, 2005 - 6:08:05 pm
Well, yes, it is that your geometry is to complex, but there are ways to reduce your clip node count. First off, you should use the hint brushes TG generates, secondly, you should put clip brushes everywhere a player cannot go (cliffs etc) and thirdly, you should try the various clipping algorithms in the newer versions of the tools.

87. DimitriPosted: Dec 13th, 2005 - 6:04:21 pm
thanks for verifying that man, i'll let you know how it works out, i'll still have to find out how to use half the stuff you just said but i'm a bit of a nub when it comes to the terrain program you have here. I'll check out some more of the tutorials before i bombard youse guys with questions; and btw, i still can't believe you're only a year older than me. You're freakin genius. props to you for all these editors you make, keep up the good work.

88. master_petePosted: Jan 18th, 2006 - 3:28:19 am
ive got three generatore/editors on my pc at now...this one i like the most,
but none will convert to .hmp,wich is the format i need for my game engine.i am using gamestudio6,3d max 8,the gimp to creat my i nee a terrain editor that will play nice with these.i dont want to switch engine b/c ive allready learned sg6 c script.some have said that teragen was good but the controls for that thing are sooooo lame,it generates terrain giving little control so you cant crate plataus or paths through mountains.and i couldnt load it in my game either! being a newbie is harsh,

89. master_petePosted: Jan 18th, 2006 - 4:28:49 am
got a solution for myself hrer,
it can convert formats for you..once i had my terrain in pcx format the engine editor opened it and i was able to save it as a .hmp and load it into game.

o joy!!!!!

90. SchorschmanPosted: May 10th, 2006 - 5:02:12 am
I´m using Nems TG to build the block landscape in my gamestudio a6 game.

It works fine, but i cant convert the texure information
into the map/ ->wmb format.
whenever i texture a terrain in TG, the texturing looks great.
i use several tileable texures that are seemless to each other, and apply them via paint brush tool, they fit perfectly.
when i export them to map and open them in gamestudio, the textures dont fit anymore.

can anyone tell me how to keep the textures that way?
its impossible to adjust the textures by hand...

91. SchorschmanPosted: May 10th, 2006 - 5:02:12 am
I´m using Nems TG to build the block landscape in my gamestudio a6 game.

It works fine, but i cant convert the texure information
into the map/ ->wmb format.
whenever i texture a terrain in TG, the texturing looks great.
i use several tileable texures that are seemless to each other, and apply them via paint brush tool, they fit perfectly.
when i export them to map and open them in gamestudio, the textures dont fit anymore.

can anyone tell me how to keep the textures that way?
its impossible to adjust the textures by hand...

92. SchorschmanPosted: May 10th, 2006 - 7:37:09 am
sorry, my mistake. the texture is converted correctly.
it seems to mess up wehn i rotate the terrain in 3dgs.
texture lock doesnt help either. shrug

i´ll post the question on the gstudio forum.

thanks for this great tool!

93. iiadbyronPosted: Jul 10th, 2006 - 7:44:01 am
I am kinda stupid when it comes to design programmes, i have already figured out how to make rough terrain, bulges etc, but i want to know how to insert building into my maps, these maps are for counter strike source and i want to try make my own personal LAN only map, any help would be greatl;ey appreciated.



94. BluefangPosted: Jul 10th, 2006 - 6:14:43 pm
read the tutorial.

The last paragraph of this tutorial and the top of the next.

you need to export the terrain from the Terrain Generator then import it into your map editor (i.e. Valve Hammer/World Editor)

95. duck45Posted: Nov 8th, 2006 - 6:38:12 pm
i need help importing my own created textures, i used paint, and made the texture a jpeg file, how to i import it?

96. Sgt. AlucardModified: Nov 21st, 2006 - 4:41:18 pm
Hello, I just started using TG and every time I try to open an RMF (Exported from TG) My Valve Hammer Freezes, would someone know why?

97. NemPosted: Nov 22nd, 2006 - 12:39:27 pm
I suspect you've made a terrain that's too large for Hammer to handle, try a smaller terrain.

98. headModified: Dec 9th, 2006 - 1:54:32 pm
I get an error when i try to open Terrain Genrator

This is what it says

Application Has generated an execption that could not be handled.

Process id=0xe90 (3728), Thread id=0xf54 (3924.

Click OK to terminate the Application
Click Cancel to debug the Application

i got a C++ debuger as i am trying to learn to code for Hl2.



99. NemPosted: Dec 10th, 2006 - 4:30:45 pm
This type of error is actually an exception in the .NET framework, not Terrain Generator. There is something wrong with your .NET install but I'm afraid I can't offer much help more than that.


100. EtraDorPosted: Jul 19th, 2007 - 10:09:37 am
Hi, im loving your program " TG ". I'm curious to know if I can texture my terrain using the textures for dodsource with TG ? -thanks

101. NemPosted: Jul 19th, 2007 - 2:33:48 pm
Not yet, sorry.

102. unseyPosted: Aug 2nd, 2007 - 7:15:11 am
It seems that i'm having problems with textures too. In the shape of i dont actually hae any textures to use. the folder is (i think) empty and the related links in the drop down menu's are unclickable. also i cant use the painbrush tool. what the hell is going on?

103. ToxindudePosted: Sep 16th, 2007 - 9:44:19 pm
I am new to the generator well I need to know what the exact file name is that the textures are located in . I can't find them anywhere . Nor do I know exactly how to get them into the genorator I have an kind of an idea .

I do this

From the Tools menu select Options and navigate to the Packages tab. The Add Package button can be used to load Half-Life WAD3 texture packages and the Add Folder can be used to load .bmp, .jpg, .tga and .wal textures from a folder on your hard drive. You must first start a terrain before you can access the tools menu...

but can't find them need help please please reply to that e-mail or on here if you can thank you .

106. NemPosted: Jul 9th, 2008 - 9:56:24 pm
If you are exporting heightmaps from Terrain Generator, or importing heightmaps into Terrain Generator, the texture information will be lost.

107. DevilguardPosted: Jul 11th, 2008 - 6:51:37 am
ok,thank you for your answer!

108. anhdung86Posted: Jul 27th, 2008 - 2:53:23 pm
My system is: CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz, RAM 1Gb, VGA ATIradeon 1550 256Mb. But when i use Terrain Generator, it's very slow (sometimes FPS is only 7-10) so i can't create any terrain. Please help me !

109. africaPosted: Aug 6th, 2008 - 4:01:26 am
question for the nem hey man !! im using tg to export .map to reality factory but when it opens there i have just a wireframe its jumping on my mental sheep aaaarg

110. africaPosted: Aug 6th, 2008 - 4:01:27 am
question for the nem hey man !! im using tg to export .map to reality factory but when it opens there i have just a wireframe its jumping on my mental sheep aaaarg

111. TappModified: Jan 26th, 2009 - 8:13:54 pm
Is there a way to load my map into the terrain editor I can generate around my already made structure?

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