VTFLib is a LGPL open source programming library, written by Neil Jedrzejewski and I. VTFLib provides a C and C++ API that, with a few simple functions, can open and save .vtf and .vmt files, providing access to all known features. The library functions independent of Steam, allowing third party applications to use the library without Steam present or runningi on the target system.
VTFLib includes two GPL example applications, VTFCmd and VTFEdit. VTFCmd is a C command line frontend for VTFLib that can create .vtf and .vmt files from various source formats. It is similar in functionality to Valve's vtex Source SDK utility, but offers a lot more control. VTFEdit is a C++ .NET graphical frontend for VTFLib with viewing and creation capabilities. Both VTFCmd and VTFEdit support several source image formats, including, but not limited to .bmp, .dds, .gif, .jpg, .png and .tga.
Screenshots: Documentation: Features:- Convert .bmp, .dds, .gif, .jpg, .png and .tga files to .vtf and .vmt files with easy access to all .vtf options.
- Convert .vtf files to .bmp, .jpg, .png and .tga files.
- Convert entire folders to and from .vtf and .vmt files.
- Convert .wad files to .vtf and .vmt files.
- Explore .bsp, .gcf, .pak, .wad and .xzp packages.
- Preview .vtf files.
- Recent file menu.
- 100% Free.