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Auto Seamer - NemPosted: May 26th, 2003 - 6:01:04 pm

Very simple program I made for a friend and my own personal use. It turned out to be soo good at what it did that I decided to throw it up here. The program takes an ordinary texture (it loads and saves bitmaps, or you can just copy and paste the textures in which is easier) and provides you with three little algorithms to seam it. It has a weighted averaging system which works well with pretty much any texture, an offset algorithm which works really well with some textures and not with others, and a speckle algorithm which is like a logical noise algorithm to help add some randomness back into the seam. The program is NOT optimized in any way. It works fine with small textures (like 256 * 256) but starts to slow down significantly when you get up to around 512 * 512 (which you really shouldn't have in a Half-Life map...) Thats it. Hope you find it useful.

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Auto Seamer
Modified: Mar 26th, 2006 - 5:38:23 pm[ 18112 Views ]

1. GeezusPosted: Aug 3rd, 2003 - 8:36:35 pm

If you're recieving a COMDLG32.OCX problem grab this OCX installer.

2. CourtJesterGPosted: Apr 30th, 2005 - 8:55:23 pm
Yeah it is a pretty sound and good idea! I have been having trouble make different mutiply image in tga format all seamly tile togather and i still have failed because i don't really understand how to achieve this effect and keep all my images togather and the clone stamp and the offset ack so much! I need a really good tut! :)

Ohh back to the auto seamer it is great except for the offset when you use it messes around with the color of the image and makes it really bright!

3. Autumnpast777Posted: Aug 19th, 2010 - 11:53:19 am
Fantastic program, works very efficiently and flawlessly when used properly. A tutorial may be needed, however, for the more inexperienced users such that they may understand how to use the numbers to their advantage when seaming a texture.

Nem's Tools v2.0 © 2006 Ryan Gregg.
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