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Batch Compiler FAQ - NemPosted: May 26th, 2003 - 11:35:22 pm

When I launch Batch Compiler I get the following error message:
"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click ok to terminate the application."


Batch Compiler is written in C# .NET and such as requires the .NET runtimes to run. See the downloads page for more information.


When I launch Batch Compiler I get the following error message:
"A required .DLL file, MSCOREE.DLL, was not found."


Batch Compiler is written in C# .NET and such as requires the .NET runtimes to run. See the downloads page for more information.


When I open an old preset file I get the following error message:
"Error: The data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1."


Batch Compiler v3.X.X is not backwards compatible with Batch Compiler v2.X.X. This means that old preset files will not work and you will have to recreate them.


How can I convert a preset I've saved using one specification file to a preset of another specification file?


This can be accomplished by importing the preset. To do this:

  1. From the 'Specifications' menu select the specification file you would like to convert the preset to.
  2. From the 'File' menu select 'Import Preset'.
  3. Browse to and open the preset you would like to convert from.

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Modified: Aug 5th, 2004 - 10:16:43 am[ 122 Comments ]
Nem's Tools v2.0 © 2006 Ryan Gregg.
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