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GCFScape v1.3.1 Full - NemPosted: Jan 2nd, 2004 - 4:21:48 pm

GCFScape v1.3.1 - GCFScape and all the files you need to run it (except the .NET Framework).

Download: Runtimes: (Required)

.NET Framework v1.1 (23,698 KB Executable) - GCFScape is written in C++ .NET and as such requires the .NET runtime to run. The .NET runtime is also available as a Windows Update. v1.1 is required.

Modified: Mar 26th, 2006 - 1:17:23 pm[ 1267842 Views ]

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61. zindosPosted: Jul 13th, 2004 - 1:21:10 am

I've no proplem with this version now.


62. trixtaPosted: Jul 15th, 2004 - 6:22:14 pm

hey nem, i was told to come and dl your gcfscape program...and the dl doesnt work...when i dl it and unzip it, it keeps tellin me that im missin a .dll file....what exactly should i do?!?!

63. NemPosted: Jul 15th, 2004 - 6:28:21 pm

You should read either the FAQ or the red part on the downloads page.

64. pvt_kcModified: Jul 19th, 2004 - 8:02:18 am

Here might be dumb question. I just upgraded to STEAM and everything is back to original default of DOD.
I got the GCFScape 1.1.4, and I want to put my custom HUD and crosshair back in which I had before. I extracted all the sprites files but HOW DO I PUT THEM BACK (to IMPORT) into the day of defeat.gcf file???
Please help.

65. NemPosted: Jul 19th, 2004 - 10:28:39 am

See this page on how to modify a GFC file.

66. VooDooPosted: Jul 24th, 2004 - 5:43:40 am


67. NoBodyModified: Jul 25th, 2004 - 10:52:25 am

you don't create or edit the gcf you just place the sprits under steam\steamapps\\day of defeat\sprits

if you have cs and cz the cz moddels will automaticaly be used for bout

68. anbuPosted: Jul 26th, 2004 - 6:04:59 pm

umm the download link doesnt work so can u update it or something?

69. NemPosted: Jul 26th, 2004 - 6:08:32 pm

My bad, fixed.

70. anbuPosted: Jul 26th, 2004 - 6:28:29 pm

what the hell does 1.15 fix i still cant't open the counterstrike.gcf if u guys can fix this much thanks alarmedbored

71. NemModified: Jul 26th, 2004 - 7:03:34 pm

Simply saying "it doesn't work" doesn't help me at all. GCFScape will spit out an error message if it encounters a problem; that error message helps me. Also, GCFScape will create a file called dump.txt in its directory or the directory of your GCF file if it encounters a problem; that file helps me a lot.

I have a lot of programs with a lot of execution permutations and I can't predict every problem they will encounter, but I think you'll find if you take the time to help me out instead of complaining, you'll get a fix as fast as possible.


72. asdfasdfasdPosted: Jul 26th, 2004 - 9:32:36 pm

i need condition zero events/ (filess

73. anbuPosted: Jul 26th, 2004 - 9:37:01 pm

my bad nem i got it working

74. SmokeyPosted: Jul 27th, 2004 - 11:28:25 pm

aite got the game ta run for real, but cant run like any of the CZ maps which most are gunfight

75. ripflashPosted: Jul 28th, 2004 - 5:27:32 am

@asdfasdfasd: the sc files are stored in cstrike\events. if you make an offline version of cz, u have to extract: half-life.gcf, cstrike.gcf, czero.gcf, platform.gcf, dedicated server.gcf and half life engine.gcf....

if u look in your liblist.gam of czero, u will see this setting:
fallback_dir "cstrike"

this manages, that czero uses the files of cstrike, which are not included in czero. because its unnecessarily to have the same files in cstrike and czero. u understand? happy

76. DaRKFaTePosted: Aug 13th, 2004 - 6:51:22 am

hi, i need some help with the cs:s shared content GCF.... when i use the GCFScape to open it up, i get these folders, root, cstrike, hl2, reslists, and they have files in them but i dont know where to put these files inside the steam folders... so if anyone can help me i would appreciate it thx.

77. NemPosted: Aug 13th, 2004 - 9:59:24 am

You don't need to extract any files, Steam will use the GCF file win CS:S is released.

78. DaDevilModified: Aug 15th, 2004 - 6:04:09 pm

Removed malicious content.

79. supasexyn00bModified: Aug 15th, 2004 - 6:03:27 pm

Removed malicious content.

80. DaRKFaTeModified: Aug 15th, 2004 - 6:04:27 pm

Removed malicious content.

81. BluefangModified: Aug 14th, 2004 - 12:37:47 pm

*slaps the suposed Hackers*

you can't plat CS:S unless you are a Cuber cafe suscriber or a CS_CZ owner.

and if you do illeagally download the game, don't say so or ask for help at any half-life community because you won't get any and (in most places) a quick banning also.

what do you mean by "CS:S Shared Content file"?

82. DaRKFaTePosted: Aug 14th, 2004 - 1:47:27 pm

Alright alright im sorry for asking some help here, i shouldn't of posted anything. Forget it.

83. ikerdoPosted: Aug 19th, 2004 - 7:40:24 pm

hello everybody.Nem i need your help i downloaded steam with CS cache.I installed it but i cant play CS.I hope you'll be able to tell me what to do.Thanks

84. BluefangPosted: Aug 20th, 2004 - 7:33:05 am

well, if you are a new Steam user, you have to make a Steam User Account and put in either your HL, CS, or DOD retail CD key.

if you don't have a CD key, go to your local game store and by a $20 copy of Half-Life (or CS or DOD) and use that CD key.

that will give you access to all of the ganes currently available on Steam except CS:CZ.

85. Freddie MercuryPosted: Aug 26th, 2004 - 8:19:05 pm

Update: Tonight's preloaded HL2 GCF cannot be opened with GCFScape. Please fix it.

86. badgerPosted: Aug 27th, 2004 - 1:51:28 am

Ummmmm yeah you can actually. You can only get the materials folder. You cannot get the executeablee etc -_-"! any1 noe y?

87. steven_m64Posted: Aug 27th, 2004 - 1:57:04 am

parts of the HL2 GCF Is encrypted and unless you pay $$(buy hl2) you wont be able to open it, Dont even ask nem to make it so you can open encrypted GCF's.

88. Freddie MercuryPosted: Aug 27th, 2004 - 5:53:22 am

"Ummmmm yeah you can actually. You can only get the materials folder. You cannot get the executeablee etc -_-"! any1 noe y?"

When I try to open the GCF I get a memory mapping error, even though Steam is closed. Also, the preload was only materials, and nothing else. The full game will preload tomorrow morning.

89. ripflashPosted: Aug 27th, 2004 - 6:39:55 am

hmm... :) jed knows which 3rd party encryption steam is using, you too i think ;).

90. Spik3balloonPosted: Aug 27th, 2004 - 6:21:35 pm

duh HL2 is only in Preload stages, they are going to gradually release each part of HL2 to prevent strain on the Valve content servers. Read this:

91. mytholasModified: Aug 27th, 2004 - 9:21:10 pm

Freddie . . . click on the .gcf file in Windows Explorer instead of opening it up with File...Open in the GCFScape program.


92. KadajPosted: Aug 28th, 2004 - 5:43:03 am

The Half-Life 2 Pre-Load is just that...
Valve are releasing content in Steps, mainly to cut down on server down time.

What you have (which 1.1.5 will open btw) is purely the materials for Half-Life 2.
So for the adverage person this is going to be a waste of time, however if your like myself and have a copy of Worldcraft 3.5 which supports the new Source Material System it means you can extract it, put the files you need in the root folder (bin) and run for complete access to everything you need to finally create maps.

If you also have Counter Strike Source, you'll also have the materials required in order to use the 'not legally' released Binaries floating about the internet.

Although not really legit to do, you won't be able to pirate the game even if you wanted to and had the executables.
Alot of the GCF are given to you missing files, they're declared in the GCF and so is thier space, however the file itself isn't downloaded until you've ordered the game.

93. Freddie MercuryPosted: Aug 28th, 2004 - 1:48:37 pm

"Freddie . . . click on the .gcf file in Windows Explorer instead of opening it up with File...Open in the GCFScape program."

Didn't work. Failed to map GCF file to memory.

94. BluefangPosted: Aug 28th, 2004 - 3:37:16 pm

Well regardless of that fact, you still do not need acess to the exercutibles.

Nem, this is just a personal opnion, but I'd recomend not updating GCFScape to support HL2 until we see how the new editor interfaces with the game/cache files.

95. DrAgOnPosted: Aug 28th, 2004 - 7:13:53 pm

" (which 1.1.5 will open btw) " BS bleeh

96. NemModified: Aug 30th, 2004 - 10:16:28 pm

The problem Failed to map GCF file to memory. could actually be caused by to much RAM. To map a file to memory Windows needs a continuous block of virtual memory that the file can fit in. A 32 bit memory space is limited to 4 GB of memory so the more physical memory you have the less virtual memory you can have. 4 GB is not a lot of memory to work with and is one of the driving factors towards a 64 bit system.

To my knowledge the GCF file format hasn't actually changed. You would get the error messages Invalid GCF version number. or Corrupt file. if it had.

Maybe some of you can help me out by posting how much RAM you have and weather or not you can open the new 1 GB GCF file.

97. leetPosted: Aug 31st, 2004 - 12:10:33 am

haha, i have opened it!! just set your virtual memory to 1100MB and thats it!
there is only materials directory, nothing more

98. aamreinModified: Aug 31st, 2004 - 2:35:19 pm

Hi Nem

First of all thanks for your tools!
I have 2 GBs of RAM, allocated 2 GBs for the pagefile which has a max of 4 GBs set. So I do have enough RAM, but still get the "Failed to map ..." error. I can open all the other GCFs as e.g. the CS:Source Beta without a problem. I copied and renamed the preload file, so Steam couldn't put a lock on it. What should I try to fix the problem? Any help appreciated.

I tried to open the same preload file with the same version of gcfscape on a similiar PC with only 512 MBs of RAM and was able to extract the contents of the preload. So there seems to be a bug in gcfscape when running on machines with lots of RAM. I hope that helps.

It also doesn't work on a machine with 768 MBs of RAM. So 512 MBs seems to be the sweet spot.


99. cirdanPosted: Aug 31st, 2004 - 2:37:08 am

Hi Nem!

There seems to be a problem with files that actually have the size 0. They are not beeing extracted.

Great tool anyway! Continue the good work!

100. KeloranPosted: Aug 31st, 2004 - 5:52:10 am

also the preload uses v7 instead of v6

files of 0 dont actually exist there just index files (linked file to a file that hasnt been d/l yet)

101. NemPosted: Aug 31st, 2004 - 8:46:06 pm

See my post (the one above yours) for an explanation why. Whether you get the error also has to do with how much virtual memory other programs you are running use.

I haven't seen any GCF files with a version number of 7; if you have one can you please sent it to me so I can add support for it?

102. aamreinPosted: Sep 1st, 2004 - 12:19:54 am

Nem, I think every Windows process has its own segment and therefore its own 32 bit virtual address space. So I'm not sure if your explanation is right. Besides, there were no other apps running that consume memory when I tried to peek at the preload's content.

103. warbanModified: Sep 1st, 2004 - 3:12:29 am

Major Possible bug.

Currently the hl2 "base source shared materials.gcf"is not being opened and comming up with an error for some people. (failed to map error)

i was getting the error untill i found out that my deskbar program "object dock".
was stoping gfc from opening while it was running
when i closed it it opened fine.

Possible bug?
is not a large program eather and it was only that program that was causing problems

104. NemPosted: Sep 1st, 2004 - 10:07:41 am

Ok, I've done a little research and this is what I've found. You are right in the fact that every application has its own virtual memory space, however, not all operating systems use this memory space for file mapping. It turns out that both Windows 95 and Windows 98 use a shared memory space for file mapping so if you have other programs running they may take up the memory space that GCFScape needs. In Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP the memory space for file mapping is not shared but is part of the application's virtual memory space.

It turns out that of the 4GB of virtual memory space available only 2GB is available for private use so we only have 2GB of memory space to work of. This means that there is no way to map a file larger than 2GB. It is also important to note that this memory space is also used by the various dynamic memory allocations the program makes and the various libraries the program loads. Because file mapping requires a continues block of virtual memory, larger files (such as the 1GB HL2 preload) will have a very hard time finding sufficient space.

This does not, however, explain why the program seems to work consistently for me and consistently not work for other users.

GCFScape relies heavily on file mapping as it is simply the most logical way to access a GCF file. I may, however, be able to reprogram GCFScape to use two views of the GCF file. One for the data needed to manipulate the GCF file (typically only a few MB), and another to access the individual data blocks within the GCF file (which are 8 KB in size). The cost would be a performance hit on file extraction.

105. NemPosted: Sep 1st, 2004 - 12:04:49 pm

I've done what I suggested above, you can pick up the new version here. Note that the above will not be the final version. It maps a hard coded portion of the file for the header information (if the header is larger then the mapped portion GCFScape will probably crash) but it should work for all current GCF files. Please D/L it and let me know if it works.


106. KeloranPosted: Sep 1st, 2004 - 12:16:34 pm

works perfectlly for me, the speed hit isnt that great, ty Nem

the v7 i found is 1.7Gb large and i found it on the "underground" so it might have been a homemade soz for confusion

107. aamreinModified: Sep 1st, 2004 - 3:54:52 pm

Nem, I tried your new version 1.1.6 of GCFScape and now it works. Thanks! Good work!


108. FAGPosted: Sep 2nd, 2004 - 12:43:52 am

hmm, however it doesn't work for me...

allways when i click on "extract" a new windows open, where i can choose: "create new folder", "OK" "Cancel". But it doesn't matter which one i use! It doesn't extract the files! Can someone help me?
thx FAG

109. warbanPosted: Sep 2nd, 2004 - 5:30:08 am

fixes my problem

can open all gfc again

110. NemPosted: Sep 2nd, 2004 - 6:32:09 am

See the GCFScape FAQ.

111. FISKER_QPosted: Sep 3rd, 2004 - 2:51:41 am

Also Nem, the CS: Source gcf had some directories/files with a ':'. Which is an invalid directory characater in Windows.

Have you fixed that?

112. steven_m64Posted: Sep 3rd, 2004 - 11:51:57 pm

Works great thanks nem.

113. NemPosted: Sep 4th, 2004 - 8:51:37 am


Don't know if this is true or not but I've added a check to v1.1.6.

114. LEDHEDPosted: Sep 9th, 2004 - 3:33:32 pm

hmm i cant seem to open half-life2 preload because it says failed to map view of file i read all of the other posts and they didnt help

115. NemPosted: Sep 9th, 2004 - 4:04:19 pm

Make sure you have the latest version of GCFScape.

116. richeiPosted: Sep 13th, 2004 - 11:15:00 am

HL2 Preload's are encrypted, so u won't be able to open then. That's what i've heard anyways.

Now to the problem.

One thing u might want to mention is that steam can't be open when u try and open the file. It game me an error until i closed steam.

good job though.

117. NoBodyPosted: Sep 14th, 2004 - 3:17:14 am

you can still open and extract the prelodet files, but the content will be crypted.

You get a error saying that you have to close steam, that done becaus it is a know fact. read the faq there is no way around it.

118. counterfartPosted: Sep 14th, 2004 - 6:10:44 am

i dont work for me i get this error on everything i try to extract exept dod Error writing C:\Program Files\GCFScape\temp\czero\tutordata.txt (File contains no physical data to write.) ..can annyone help?
thnx in advance.yelling

119. NemPosted: Sep 14th, 2004 - 8:43:21 am

Read the FAQ.

120. counterfartPosted: Sep 16th, 2004 - 2:40:42 pm

i did rea the faq and it did dl everything..wen i do it for counter strike it does the same thing but i allready can play the game on steam and it wont extract most of the files are giving me that there gonna be a update soon? it just wont work for me thnx.and i got every thing right so i dunno wat to do.yelling

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